10 Things I’ve Learned Heading into the Last Year of my 20’s

Today is not just any other Sunday:

  • The weather is finally staying warm!
  • The She Copes podcast launches!!
  • It’s my 29th birthday!!! Or 20-Fine, however you want to put it #wink #smirk 

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Since today is extra special for me, I wanted to share more about who I am as a person. My birthday is a time of year I love to reflect, so I can grow further the next year. To stay in the spirit of what She Copes is, here are the top 10 things I’ve learned as a woman entering the last year of her 20s, heading into her 30s.

1. Life doesn’t stop for my problems. Our hurts and pains are heavy, and they can slow us down. But the world isn’t going to slow down for us too. This is why healing and growth are so important. It’s okay to slow down when you need to, but you have to heal during that time to be able to catch back up.

2. I am enough. This may sound cliché, but it took me a while to accept the fact that I’m enough. Not just for another person either, but for my dreams, goals & calling too. If I couldn’t handle them I wouldn’t have been blessed with them.

3. Worrying destroys. The amount of time I’ve spent worrying about things that may never come to pass… it’s shameful honestly. I had to learn that my own worry has killed more things in my life than any outside factor has or will ever have the power to. It’s a slow suicide – a poison your body creates, that only hurts you.

4. No one knows me, like me. I sometimes let what others think have way too much power in my life, but they don’t know me like I do. Only you know your deepest thoughts, and how they impact your choices. I’ve had to learn that if people don’t get it – even those I’m closest with, that’s 1000% okay! I’ll still be me at the end of the day.

5. Prayer works. Growing up, I remember learning about prayer. I’ve seen people pray together and for each other millions of times. But I didn’t realize its full power until I started praying myself. Now, I totally believe we should pray for each other too, but if you have never had a prayer life on your own, I promise you’re missing out. There is no feeling that compares to seeing something come to pass in your life that YOU prayed for.

6. It’s a thin line between naiveté and hope. I used to be called naïve all the time. I called it hoping for the best from people, but it’s a thin line between the two and it’s so easy to cross it without even realizing it. Use that intuition ladies! You have it for a reason. It can save lives lol. But seriously, listening to it has saved mine a few times.

7. Family is important.  I have a super close family – not perfect at all, but the love is so real. Growing up I used to think everyone’s families were that way lol. When I got older and saw that definitely wasn’t the case, it made me appreciate having those people in my corner even more. Every family is different, but some of the small things we end up losing touch over just aren’t worth it. & that goes for friends that are family too!

8. There is power in my voice. I’ve always been crazy talkative, but I can’t say that I’ve always used my voice when it mattered the most. Speaking your truth and speaking up for yourself can completely alter your path in a matter of seconds. Just as important as using our voices, is using them wisely. The power it has to bring good things is just as strong as the power it has to damage.

9. You get what you pay for.  My Granny taught me this when I was very young, but I didn’t really get it. But it pretty much means if something is worth it, it’s going to cost you. I used to only apply this to physical things I could buy, but it goes for ANYTHING – including myself. Know your worth, and charge accordingly.

10. Grown folks gone do, what grown folks wanna do. Another gem from my Granny 🙂 This is definitely my favorite lesson thus far – it wasn’t my favorite to learn, but I’ve been able to step back and see the truth in it oh so many times. People are who they are, and you can’t change that. If someone wants to be good to you, then they will be. & if they want to do the opposite, then they’ll do that to. & that isn’t a reflection of you, but of them. I swear, accepting that has removed so much stress from my life.

#Truthmoment – Although I’ve learned these things, I haven’t always done a good job at applying them. & that’s what 29 is going to be about for me. Applying the lessons I’ve learned to everyday life & sharing it with you all here on She Copes. 🙂

Do you relate to any of these lessons shared? What experiences have taught you the most & had the most impact on your life?

ANDDDD – You can find the 1st Podcast HERE !!! Please let me know what you think!

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19 thoughts on “10 Things I’ve Learned Heading into the Last Year of my 20’s

    I read a lot of posts like this, I’ve even written some myself lol but this is the best collection of life lessons I have read in a while! Happy belated birthday btw!🎉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so so good! So much wisdom to this post! I just love the lessons you’ve learnt,.What a loving granny you have, wise woman. You are enough, family is definitely important, prayer definitely works!!! Yes to all these lessons. You just summarised them beautifully! Fantastic post hun. Happy birthday to you. Praying for more wisdom and many good things to come for you xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I applaud you for coming to these realizations before the age of 30. I am starting to believe we understand most of this much earlier, but are simply selective on how we apply it.
    Number 5 here is what helps me get through each and every day. Prayers changes things and it most definitely has changed me.
    I’ve prayed for years, but I prayed how I was ‘taught’ to pray and that was fine. When I began to truly embrace the one on one relationship is when I started to see and understand prayer a little differently.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel like 29 could be such an amazing year! Happy upcoming bday to you too! & yes learning to recognize naïveté was such a tough lesson for me, but worth it!


  4. I really enjoyed this! You did an amazing job at narrowing your lessons down while still offering a lot to consider as youove forward. Happy Birthday and God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Girlllll!!!!! I love this! Every time I think I’ve read “the best one” , I read another one and say no, this one is the best… keep writing!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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